Christine Owens' Children's Works
Christine is currently writing and illustraing three children's books. The first two are collections of fantastic, silly and imaginative, illustrated poems that children of all ages can enjoy. Consider: Would you let a Shlindersloot hug you? Maybe a Troad lives in your garden? Would you 'eggsit' a Flarkensnort's egg?
The third is a whimsical collection of illustrated stories about the colorful inhabitants of a distant planet. Let her introduce you to Zaria and Blue, Yapper and Drip, and the adorable Wooly Snarks plus many more.
Look out for updates in the near future on publication dates.

by Christine Owens
I’m sitting on a Flarkensnort’s egg,
waiting for the mother to come back.
I hope she returns to her nest soon
because her egg is starting to crack.
I promised to keep this egg warm
and I’ve been sitting on it all day.
My butt’s asleep and I’m hungry,
I don’t think I’ll receive any pay.
She’d better get back here quick,
her Flarkensnort is about to hatch.
Her giant egg-let is breaking free,
its claws are starting to scratch!
It’s out and looks awfully hungry.
I believe I’ve gotten a raw deal.
It’s opening its giant Flarkensnort beak
and I’m about to become its first meal!
What’s this? It’s snuggling up to me,
but it’s not the end of my trauma
because its mother has just returned,
and her baby just called me mama!
Christine Owens' Adult Poetry
Christine is also a published writer of adult poetry covering a wide variety of themes and writing styles. Her poem, "Between Artist and Nature" won 1st place in the competition to be published in 'I Have a Dream', by Wingless Dreamer, also available on Amazon.

Recent Events

Christine's poem "Between Artist and Nature" won 1st place in the I Have a Dream poetry contest
July 22, 2022
Christine's poem "Between Artist and Nature" won 1st place in the I Have a Dream poetry contest held by Wingless Dreamer. It is featured in "I Have a Dream", a poetry anthology currently available on & Wingless Dreamer publishing.

Christine wins 1st place in the Book of Black poetry contest
December 2021
Christine's poem "The Stage of Ecdysis" won 1st place in the Book of Black poetry contest held by Wingless Dreamer. It is featured in "The Book of Black", a dark poetry anthology currently available on & Wingless Dreamer publishing.

Christine wins 3rd place in the annual Mockingbird Poetry Society Contest
April 2021
For the second year in a row Christine won a top place in the 50th Annual Collin County Poetry Contest. Her poem 'Auntie Edna's Kisses' is available in the winners anthology available from the Mockingbird Poetry Society.

January 2021
Catch Christine as a guest narrator for the Brandon Tan Youtube series reading a couple of Brothers Grimm tales. Available on the Tanidreams Arts and Creativity Youtube channel

Christine Wins 2nd Place Award in the 49th Annual Collin County Poetry Contest
May 2020
Christine's poem "Eggsitter" won 2nd place award in the Mockingbird Poetry Society member category of the 49th annual Collin County poetry contest. The published poem can be found in the winners anthology available from the Mockingbird Poetry Society.